FLEEN.ORG - fluffy_cloud - grow

How to Grow

Sit down in your special sitting place. Back straight. Breathe from your belly. Eyes half-closed. Relax.(1)

Watch the river of experience.

That is, watch all the sights, sounds, thoughts, feelings etc that you are experiencing right now. Watch that whole thing. Watch experience-stuff come and go.

Watch, peaceful like in Shrink but without directing your Light at anything in particular.

Watch your Light too.(2)

Watch how you sometimes move your Light in reaction to the thoughts, sounds etc. To direct it here or there, at this or that. To think a thought or whatever.

When you feel like you are about to react like that, don't do it. Don't react.

Just keep on watching. Keep your Light relaxed and spread out wide.

That's it. That's the whole technique.


  1. The physical details of sitting. How, where, when, etc. Here's that.

  2. When you Grow you are manipulating your Light (aka attention, awareness). More about that here.

  3. You can do this any time. While walking, talking or doing your taxes. The sitting part just makes it easier. Ideally you'll do it 24-7.

  4. You might want to get kinda good at Shrink before you do this. It'll be easier and make more sense.

  5. Thoughts are your biggest challenge here. Habitual thinking that is. Reacting to a thought by moving your Light to another thought and so on. If you can rein that in then you've pretty much got it beat.

  6. Grow enhancers. Avoid drugs, drama. Do good deeds, avoid doing bad deeds.

2012-2024 John Greene
Formatted for phone, portrait.